Defile 2019 MA : Adeline Rappaz

HEAD Genève Graduate Fashion Show 2019

Haute École d’Art et de Design (HEAD), in Genève, presented their Graduates’ Collection last week on November 8, in a scenography designed by the students from the Interior Architecture Department. The show drew some 2,000 people, including many professionals and journalists from all over Europe.

Emotion, poetry, light, generosity, innovation, know-how, fabrics, those were some of the ingredients of the HEAD FASHION SHOW 2019, that took place on November 8, in a scenography designed by the students from the Interior Architecture Department. The show drew some 2,000 people, including many professionals and journalists from all over Europe. 17 BA graduates’ and  9 MA graduates’ collections were presented for a total of 318 outfits worn by 76 models. During this exceptional show, three young graduates stood out: Thomas Clément won the Bachelor Bongénie Award. Emma Bruschi dazzled the jury and won the Mercedes-Benz Master Award, while Giulia Chehab won the Prix HEAD x La Redoute 2019 and will now produce her accessory collection for La Redoute.

THE 2019 BACHELOR BONGENIE AWARD was awarded to Thomas Clément. The jury was particularly moved by Clément’s storytelling with his collection “Crash”. Members of the jury highlighted his very powerful concept and extremely consistent approach to fabric which Clément expressed in a unique way, adding his own touch. His clothes show his ability to capture the moment with humour while displaying excellent technical know-how.

THE 2019 MASTER MERCEDES BENZ AWARD was awarded to Emma Bruschi.  Bruschi’s ability to bear evidence and reconnect with almost forgotten handicrafts attracted particular attention. The jury was seduced by the ground-breaking and contemporary way in which she revisited this know-how. Bruschi moved the jury with the sincerity of her approach and her ability to arouse emotions.

Emma Bruschi‘s “Almanach” collection draws its inspiration from the Savoyard almanac. “In every village, people worked with wood, straw and wicker. In every house, people embroidered, spun, knitted, carded, or wrought iron. This domestic know-how was handed down from generation to generation with a love for high-quality workmanship. The “Almanach” collection enabled me to reconnect with those who still know these techniques to create wicker accessories, straw jewellery and glass embroidery together, at the same time as new home-made bacteriological fermentation processes in order to develop natural leather in a barn.
Alongside age-old know-how relating to straw and wicker, Bruschi presented clothes tailored with an innovative plant-based type of leather, developed with vinegar and bacteria. As the winner of the Master’s Mercedes-Benz Prize, she will benefit from a booth provided for her at the upcoming Who’s Next or Premiere Classe trade show in Paris.

Presented for the first time at Mode Suisse in Zurich in August, the unforgettable MADE VISIBLE x ArchivesTM collection by collective Archives/Visual Society led by 2017 MA graduates Tiffanie Bellenot and Victor Prieux closed the curtain on the fashion show, mesmerising the public with the reflective fibres of the fabrics used for the clothes on display. MADE VISIBLE is an initiative by TCS to promote visibility in road traffic.
The scenography for the catwalk, designed for the first time by HEAD’s Interior Architecture Department, was particularly impressive. The selected project, POESIE (POETRY), inspired by a cult place in Geneva, Les Bains des Pâquis, was designed by BA graduate Paulo Jorge Diaz. The students then developed this scenography under the leadership of Bertrand Van Dorp and Leonid Slonimskiy.

Defile 2019 BA : Mikhail Rojkov

The collections presented during the show:

ANDREA ABDERHALDEN, Un tabouret, un abat-jour et un canapé aux asperges
CECILE D’AMICO, Doux Baisers du Mont-Blanc
MATHILDE DUMAIT, I’m an instant star, just add water and stir
MARC FORSTER, Una furtiva lagrima
LAUR-ANNE GAMARDE, Pas plus haut que le bord
GABRIELLE HUGUENOT, Un jour mon Prince viendęra
ESTELLE KRATTINGER, Who said beach cleanups can’t be stylish?
ANIA MARINCEK, Tears of lava
ANDRI OPPLIGER, Bernie, Mon poisson rouge vit durablement sur la Lune.
SANDRINE JOY PRAZ, Grandma wants it sexier
LORELEI REGAMEY, Leçon numéro 40 : Jouer avec le feu
MIKHAIL ROJKOV, La valse blanche : un pas en arrière, deux pas en avant
LORA SONNEY, Ca sent la sueur, l’herbe et la fatigue

DIANA BOBINA, Hotel cosmos a millions stars hotel
LOREN KAGNY, Say hello to my little friend
ADELINE RAPPAZ, Journal de bord 4050
EVA VERWICHT, Folies créatures

Photographers | Coulon Baptiste, Michel Giesbrecht, Raphaëlle Mueller