TAKING THE WHEEL -- In "Incredibles 2," Helen aka Elastigirl is called on to help bring Supers back. Her mission comes with a brand-new Elasticycle, a state-of-the-art cycle that is designed just for her. Meanwhile, Bob navigates the day-to-day heroics of "normal"ù life at home. Featuring the voices of Holly Hunter and Craig T. Nelson, DisneyïPixar's "Incredibles 2" busts into theaters on June 15, 2018. ©2018 DisneyïPixar. All Rights Reserved.



Villains. What’s a hero to do? 

As “The Incredibles” adventure came to an edge-of-your-seat finale, Syndrome was foiled—thanks to baby Jack-Jack and an ill-advised cape—and his jet exploded into a firey ball, destroying the Parr family home. But the family was more bonded than ever; Violet showed off her new-found confidence, and Dash discovered that second place would do just fine. It seemed like a happily-ever-after ending until someone called the Underminer declared “war on peace and happiness.” 


SUPER FAMILY — In Disney Pixar’s “Incredibles 2,” Helen (voice of Holly Hunter) is in the spotlight, while Bob (voice of Craig T. Nelson) navigates the day-to-day heroics of “normal” life at home when a new villain hatches a brilliant and dangerous plot that only the Incredibles can overcome together. Also featuring the voices of Sarah Vowell as Violet and Huck Milner as Dash, “Incredibles 2” opens in U.S. theaters on June 15, 2018. ©2017 Disney•Pixar. All Rights Reserved.
PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT – In the midst of battling the Underminer villain, Violet protects her family by throwing one of her most super force fields yet. Featuring Sarah Vowell as the voice of Violet, Holly Hunter as the voice of Helen, Craig T. Nelson as the voice of Bob and Huck Milner as the voice of Dash, DisneyïPixar’s “Incredibles 2” busts into theaters on June 15, 2018. ©2018 DisneyïPixar. All Rights Reserved.



Incredibles 2 (Pictured) – RISING SON – In Disney•Pixar’s “Incredibles 2,” Bob (voice of Craig T. Nelson) is left to navigate the day-to-day heroics of “normal” life, giving him an opportunity to bond with his younger son, Jack-Jack, whose superpowers are emerging—much to Dad’s surprise. Directed by Brad Bird and produced by John Walker and Nicole Grindle, “Incredibles 2” busts into theaters on June 15, 2018. ©2018 Disney•Pixar. All Rights Reserved.
SUPER FANS – In “Incredibles 2,” savvy siblings and business partners Evelyn and Winston Deavor summon Frozone, Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible to share a plan designed to ultimately make Supers legal again. Featuring Catherine Keener as the voice of Evelyn, Samuel L. Jackson as the voice of Frozone, Holly Hunter as the voice of Elastigirl, Craig T. Nelson as the voice of Mr. Incredible and Bob Odenkirk as the voice of Winston, Disney•Pixar’s “Incredibles 2” busts into theaters on June 15, 2018. ©2018 Disney•Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

UK Release Date: 13th July 2018 

Voice Cast:Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Sarah Vowell, Huck Milner, Samuel L. Jackson, Brad 

Bird, Bob Odenkirk, Catherine Keener, Jonathan Banks, Sophia Bush, Isabella 


Director: Brad Bird

Producers: John Walker, Nicole Grindle